Monday, March 14, 2005

New book

I finished reading "Out of the Shelter". This novel is different from the other ones by Lodge I read (Therapy, Thinks, Small World, The British Museum is Falling Down), the author is not trying to write a funny book, but a realistic one. I also read some comments by the author and he was saying that in the period he wrote this novel there was a divide between generations who lived during and had memories from the WWII, and a new generation that knew this war only from stories. I feel the same is happening in Romania with regard to communism, and just by coincidence I read in Dilema an article about this (see the one by Robert Turcescu from March, 4-10 issue).

Now reading "If this is a man" by Primo Levi (Romanian version "Mai este oare acesta un om?"); a book about surviving the holocaust.

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